Removing Pet Stains And Odor Problems
We are all crazy about our pets and while most of us consider our fury little friends to be like family members. It can prove to be a little unnerving to deal with the occasional accidents that lead to pet stain and odor problems. There are some immediate steps however, you can take to help prevent those mishaps from developing into a real problems.
I’m going to share with you guys our AAA’s Easy DIY Pet Stain & Odor Tips of suggested steps that you can do yourself. These tips will help save you lots of cash because you will be proactive in taking steps to keep the little accidents from becoming real life pet stain disaster areas.
Urine and fecal spots need to be cleaned right away to prevent odor and staining. Store-bought pet carpet cleaners are often expensive and/or toxic for pets. Homemade remedies are often less toxic, cheaper, and made from ingredients you already have in your home. Check out these tried-and-true DIY pet stain removing tips.
Suggested Diy list from AACC is as follows:
Volcano Spray
- 2 Cups white distilled vinegar
- 2 Cups lukewarm water
- 4 Tablespoons of baking soda
- Blot the area with a clean cloth to absorb all excess liquid. In case of a fecal accident, remove all solid residue before applying cleaner.
- Mix vinegar with warm water in a clean spray bottle. Spray generously over stain.
- Over top of the sprayed stain, spread a thin layer of baking soda. Within an hour (or longer for set-in stains), the baking soda will absorb the urine or fecal residue
- Vacuum the area to remove the now-stained baking soda from the carpet.
Dawn Mixture
- ½ Cup of hydrogen peroxide
- ½ Cup of Dawn dish soap (the blue kind is best)
- As with any pet stain removal, absorb excess urine with a towel and remove as much fecal matter as possible from the area before applying cleaning solution.
- Fully mix one-part hydrogen peroxide and one-part Dawn dish soap in a spray bottle.
- Spray the affected area with the mixture. Let the solution sit on the stain for one minute.
- Begin scrubbing, making sure to work bristle brushes deep into the carpet or rug to remove any waste that had previously soaked into the fibers.
- Spray the area with water after scrubbing, then remove the stain and solution with a clean rag. Repeatedly soak the area with water until the stain and Dawn mixture are gone.